“Who takes care of carers?”: the Prolepsis e-book for professionals of the health and care sector is out

During the whole life of the Prolepsis project, it was possible to observe that the need for support by women caregivers is still not totally covered by our society and services. “Who takes care of the carers” was a statement made during the final event of the project in Italy by one of the caregivers participating in the training. This simple phrase allows to understand what are the needs of these women, who are often seen by the health sector only as allies to lean on in the care of the sick person, but rarely as subjects of attention.

This highlights the importance of appropriate training and breast cancer awareness not only among the high-risk groups and the general public but also among the healthcare professionals. Patients and healthy people come in contact with many points of the healthcare system and these professionals need to be in a position to positively influence and guide people towards promoting breast cancer awareness and healthier lifestyles.
The PROLEPSIS project has produced as a final result an e-book for professionals of the health and care sector.

“The handbook foremost aim is to provide a comprehensive preparation to healthcare professionals including (but not limited to) social workers, care workers, adult educators and healthcare professionals active in community-based prevention programmes. As part of this comprehensive approach the consortium has collated a stream of information that cover all the aspects of breast cancer ranging from pathophysiology to prevention. The handbook has been prepared to be user-friendly, incorporating various learning methods and fostering the use of technology in the process. The consortium believes that this approach will allow more healthcare professionals in the field to utilize this learning resource in their daily practice and reinforce the efforts for early breast cancer diagnosis.”
Dr. Andreas Charalambous
Principal Investigator of the PROLEPSIS project

To download the Prolepsis E-book, click here: https://prolepsis.eu/documents/

What now?
All products of the prolepsis project are available online and will remain accessible to users free of charge. On the project website you will find:
• IO1 – A research on how to improve health literacy in informal carers in relation to breast-cancer prevention
• IO2 – Developing training contents and methodologies to train informal carers
• Prolepsis Administrative Platform’s Manual
• Prolepsis Mobile Applications’ Manual
• IO3 – Piloting the PROLEPSIS Mobile Application and the Administrative Platform
• IO4 – Women´s health: APP in Health-literacy reinforcement programmes
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